Complete and present your own medicine wheel with concrete action plans for each element of wellness.
Examples of different medicine wheels.
Medicine Wheel Goal Setting Tutorial

Indigenous Well Being in the Times of Covid.
Four Directions Spiritual Support Hub.
Click on the image to see it larger.
Find out more about this medicine wheel here.

Native Women’s Association of Canada Medicine Wheel for Self-Care
Click on the image to view it larger.
Find out more, the NWAC Medicine Wheel

First Nations Health Authority Traditional Wellness Strategic Framework
Click on the image to view it larger.
Find out more about this medicine wheel.
Medicine Wheel Goal Setting by Christine M’Lot
Here is a series of short videos to help you visualize your own medicine wheel with concrete actions.
The videos are presented by Christine M’Lot and are from an Anishinaabe perspective. Think about how the ideas relate to your nation(s) and community(ies) as you watch her videos.
Find out more about Christine M’Lot here.
These videos were developed via Create to Learn.
Part 1: History of the Anishinaabe Medicine Wheel
Part 2: Medicine Wheel Goal Setting
Part 3: Goal setting tips