General outline. (12 hours)
- What are the traditional medicines used within your nation?
- Medicine walks
- Making remedies (teas, ointment, sprays, ….)
- Mindfulness practice
- Meditation
- Ceremonies: purpose, timing
- Identifying healers in your communities
- Journal prompts
These are suggested resources for teaching about healthy living. None of this is prescribed and you are encouraged to bring in as much local knowledge and resources as you can.
Traditional Medicines
This is an excerpt about traditional medicines from the publication Gespisiq published by the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, 2013.
Onkwanónhkwa (Our Medicines)
Featuring Ranikonhriio Lazare & Katsenhaiénton Lazare
Episode 3: the Broadleaf Plantain/Teionerahtastaráthe
Mindfulness Practice

This video talks of a land-based healing model with the goals of improving autonomy and communication skills.
Possible Journal Prompts
Journaling is personal and can be related to any thoughts or feelings that come up as a result of this unit.
It can also be a good place to start to explore questions related to the end of course assignment for Spiritual Wellness.
Here is a journaling prompt, if you want one.
- What do you know about traditional medicines?
- What are your thoughts on this quote from the article in Gespisiq:
Mi’gmaq shared their knowledge with Europeans upon their arrival and in many cases helped to save their lives when they became ill. The Mi’gmaq knowledge of roots and medicines make up the
Gespisiq, 2013
basis of many of the prescription drugs that you see in the stores today. This is a major contribution that the Mi’gmaq and other first nations made to all of society.