Balanced Health Curriculum – Starting Point.

This curriculum currently has three paths:
4-credit course with project
Final project – Research, create, and present an integrated wellness plan for all four aspects of the curriculum: physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual.
Your plan is expected to include:
- Concrete actions for each area
- A specific audience. Indicate if it is:
- A plan for yourself
- A plan for someone you know
- A plan for your community
Choose topics that you would like to focus on from each of the areas. (See this in another window here.)
The final assessment will be based on a conversation with your teacher about the completed plan.
Individual 2-credit courses
In the case of a 2-credit course, you are asked to research, create, and present an action plan for one area of your choosing from physical, emotional, cognitive, or spiritual.
All other aspects are the same. That is:
Your plan is expected to include:
- Concrete actions for the area of your choosing.
- A specific audience. Indicate if it is:
- A plan for yourself
- A plan for someone you know
- A plan for your community
Choose the area you will focus on for these credits from the four choices below. (See this in another window here.)
The final assessment will be based on a conversation with your teacher about the completed plan.
Individual 1-credit courses
In the case of a 1-credit course, the final assignment will be based on the one area of your choosing – physical, emotional, cognitive, or spiritual.
There is no action plan expected for this credit. It will consist of research and a subsequent presentation of the research to your teacher/mentor.
Choose the area you will focus on for this credit from the four choices below. (See this in another window here.)
The final assessment will be based on a conversation with your teacher about your research and presentation.